The EU campaign „Our Food. Our Future“ ended on August 31st 2023.

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We are a "DEAR Project"

Credit: Hans Meyer/ Unsplash


The European Commission’s Development Education and Awareness Raising Programme, DEAR, supports projects that engage the European Union public in worldwide issues of social, economic and environmental development.

By funding projects like “Our Food. Our Future”, the DEAR programme promotes universal values of freedom, democracy and the rule of law and enables European citizens to make positive contributions to global development.

The DEAR Programme funds up to 30 projects that span the EU Member States at any one time. These projects contribute to raising the European public’s understanding and engagement in positive social change, at both the local and international level.

DEAR activities also feed into the EU’s support for the globally agreed Sustainable Development Goals to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all by 2030.

Visit the DEAR Programme website to read more.


The project “Our Food. Our Future”, is a 42 months DEAR project, which aims at developing young EU citizens awareness and critical understanding of the problems related and caused by our food system as main drivers for forced migration and climate change. In the end the campaign wants European youth to stand up for sustainable food supply chains that respect migrant workers’ rights and reduce climate change, hunger and poverty as key drivers of migration. All activities within the campaign aim to increase EU young people’s commitment to the European values of human rights and solidarity, and to addressing the global challenges of migration, climate change and a sustainable food system. Youth will be mobilized to adopt sustainable consumption patterns and actively engage in sustainable food supply chains, fair trade relations, respect for human and workers’ rights, and sustainable development through improved institutional and corporate policies at EU and MS levels. Through a Europe-wide awareness campaign, we aim to show EU youth the interdependence between our food system and its negative impact on climate change and other key drivers of migration. This new critical understanding will also create a new European narrative on migration.

The project addresses young EU citizens (15-35 years old) in 18 EU Member States and South Africa and Brasil, as well as journalists and bloggers, global food companies and supermarkets and national as well as EU decision-makers.

The project will contribute to Development, Education and Awareness Raising through:

  • a variety of different analysis and researches concerning the agriculture.
  • The youth’s input gathered via youth workshops, a baseline study and a listening tour. We are continually giving young EU citizens the opportunity to shape the campaign by working with them in national and international Youth Labs. In a contest of ideas we also search and award the best activism ideas across Europe as well as executing the top ideas in an official campaign capacitiy.
  • A Pan-European communication campaign carried out in the whole EU.
  • Advocacy actions calling for a more sustainable system as an alternative to agribusiness, including demands for binding national and European laws to protect the rights of workers and small farmers and the environment, to end climate change and forced migration.

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