The EU campaign „Our Food. Our Future“ ended on August 31st 2023.

This website is no longer up to date. BUT: The fight for a sustainable and fair food system is far from over. Here you can find all partners who continue this fight – also in your country!

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Support “Our Food. Our Future”

Why? Because as a consortium of various organizations that stand behind “Our Food. Our Future”, we advocate for rules and laws to change the way our food is produced. We hold talks with politicians, collect facts and data with the help of studies, and put public pressure on politicians and companies. The louder we become, the more effective we are. Every voice counts.

What we do

We work behind the scenes to influence and strengthen political processes at European and international level. Through talks, negotiations and high-profile campaigns we advocate for:

  • pushing forward rules and measures to effectively implement the European Green deal and the Farm to Fork strategy in Europe
  • keep bringing global problems, their consequences and causes to the political table and do not let up until there are proposals for improvement!
  • support the implementation of UNDROP, which aims to strengthen the rights of smallholder farmers
  • negotiate thr protection of land rights of indigenous peoples in accordance with ILO Convention 169

The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it

Robert Swan, polar explorer

What you can do for change at European level:

Sign to hold business accountable!

As OUR FOOD. OUR FUTURE we support the european campaign “Justice is everbodys business” to fight for a strong EU supply chain law together!

People and the planet have paid the price for corrupt corporations for too long. With rules that hold companies accountable, the products we need will no longer be tainted with suffering and destruction. In early 2022, the European Commission proposed legislation to make corporate accountability a reality. But now we must ensure that the law is comprehensive and not watered down. That’s why we have to be louder than the business lobby, which protects the profit interests of companies. We need your vote!

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.

Margaret Mead

What you can do for change in your country:

Support our partner organisations

Change begins at the front door. Find out what you can do in your country.

Our vision

We want to change the food system for the better: Agroecology is our remedy therefore. The concept aims to optimize the interactions between plants, animals, people and the environment while being socially just in production.

Learn more