The EU campaign „Our Food. Our Future“ ended on August 31st 2023.

This website is no longer up to date. BUT: The fight for a sustainable and fair food system is far from over. Here you can find all partners who continue this fight – also in your country!

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New Study on exploitation of women migrants in Italy!

Research conducted by OFOF partner organization WeWorld in Italy in the region of Agro Pontino

Sometimes the foods we buy hides some invisible ingredients such as exploitation at work and gender-based violence. WeWord from Italy conducted a study to analyze the human rights violations and exploitation of migrant workers in the agri-food supply chains, with a specific focus on women migrant workers and the Indian Sikh community residing in the Agro Pontino area (Italy). Read the WeWorld’s reasearch on the caporalato phenomenon in Agro Pontino (Italy) to learn more!