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… The situation of Ukrainian Workers in Poland is the case study, the report by our partner organisation, the Buy Responsible Foundation (BRF) focuses on. Throughout the last two decades, migrant labour in the agro-food production has significantly increased. The report highlights the complex situation of foreign workers in Poland’s agricultural and food sector, with a particular focus on conditions of employment and accommodation for Ukrainian citizens.
First, an overview of the most important research on seasonal migration in the European Union in relation to workers in the agri-food sector, as well as an analysis of the situation in this regard in the Polish labour market is provided. Then, the results of field research among Ukrainian male and female workers employed in Poland in fruit harvesting and food enterprises, are presented. Interviews with 20 workers (including two Polish workers) In addition, the report includes materials collected during a participant observation in Grójec County in 2022 and interviews with several fruit farmers.
The report concludes with a summary of the most important conclusions and recommendations
To read the full report in Polish or an executive summary in English, please scroll down to the PDF attachment!