The EU campaign „Our Food. Our Future“ campaign ended on August 31st 2023.

This webseite will not ne updated. BUT: The fight for a sustainable and fair food system is far from over. Here you can find all partners who continue this fight – also in your country!

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Unsplash / Deepak kumar

Demand EU supply chain law!

Protect our environment and human rights along global food supply chains. Global companies and supermarkets must be hold accountable for violations along their supply chains. Send our protest mail and demand a strong EU supply chain law now from the EU commission!

We must put an end to injustice along global food supply chains. We don’t want to be served any more human rights abuses or environmental violations with our food. Our food should not contribute to the suffering of people and the environment. Big corporations and supermarkets must take responsibility for all their suppliers and stop overlooking exploitation along their supply chains. For this to succeed, a European supply chain law is the first important step to change the rules of the game. A strong supply chain law could protect human and environmental rights in agricultural supply chains by forcing companies to comply with their due diligence obligations. It is an important step toward reforming industrial agriculture, which in its current form is a main driver for global problems like climate change, flight and displacement.

Need more information?

Just visit our action-week page.
