The EU campaign „Our Food. Our Future“ ended on August 31st 2023.

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Running Steak

Category: Best online idea

Paulina & Group

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Whats your Action Idea?

Our idea is to create a mobile game (app) that will convey knowledge about the harmful effects of high-emission food products on the environment and workers’ rights through play. In our vision, the characters in the game are animated: 1. beef steak 2. a cufe of yellow cheese 3. fish 4. avocado 5. egg Each character will be shown on their journey from the source of the production to the shop shelf. Along the way, the negative aspects of production and transportation will be shown and described in an interactive way. At the end of each level, a positive (vegan, greener or local) alternative will be shown that has a lower carbon and water footprint and does not violate workers’ rights.

Material | Downloads | Documents

What do you need to realize your idea?

programming of a new app graphic design translation to all european languages

How does your idea help our fight for fair and sustainable food system?

Our app aims to raise consumer awareness among the youngest generation, who are firstly very receptive to knowledge and secondly, in a few years’ time, when they grow up, will be making consumer decisions that will have an impact on the environment.

Why is your idea a winner?

Our idea uses a play-centered learning which uses resources of 21st century mobile technology. The interactivity of the game will allow to reach the imagination of children and influence their consumer behavior.

Have you already tried the action idea? If so, tell us what you experienced!?

Our inspiration was the ALBA game, which educates on waste segregation. Rating: 4,8 Age: 4+ Category: adventure BAFTA-Award winner Only for iOS

Submit Your Idea here

A massive flash mob on social media, a colourful rally in front of the parliament or an online-game that lets you experience the life of a farm worker: Our European grass roots movement needs creative actions and new forms of protest. You always knew how to make a difference, but could not do it alone? Now is your chance!


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