The EU campaign „Our Food. Our Future“ ended on August 31st 2023.

This website is no longer up to date. BUT: The fight for a sustainable and fair food system is far from over. Here you can find all partners who continue this fight – also in your country!

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Youth Contest Winners

And the winners are

It’s done, our Youth Contest came to an end. We received many great ideas, how to (b)eat the broken food system. You voted and we now proudly present you the winning ideas. Prizes are awarded for the best online and offline ideas. The winners will receive a sustainable short trip and we will support them in further developing and implementing their ideas. The runners-up will receive Local Food Boxes, third prizes are Food Books & Magazines. Congratulations to all winners but also to all participants for your engagement!

Winners for best offline Idea

Winners for best online Idea

See all Ideas

Here you can see all the ideas that were submitted. Find out more about what the contestants have come up with.

Click here